Webs Divine: Logos & Buttons

WEBS DIVINE can design and create personalized web logos and buttons for an extra fee. Depending on the size and intricacy of the images desired, the fee can range from $1.00 per image (for simple menu and e-mail buttons), to $10.50 per image for company and personal logos with added images and/or special affects.

Summary of Standard Fees:

$5.00 per image for simple navigation buttons and e-mail buttons.

$5.50 per image for small logos with matching navigation buttons and e-mail buttons.

$7.50 per image for large logos with matching navigation buttons and e-mail buttons.

$10.50 per image for company and personal logos that include inserted images and/or special affects.



Simple navigation buttons:

HOME button  ABOUT button  CONTACT button  BLOG button

Customized menu buttons:

Contact button  Newsletters button  Events button

Customized "mouse-over" menu buttons:






Note: Buttons are not linked; display samples only.

"Irish Eyes" archives button

Food Fare: American Recipes

Food Fare: Middle Eastern Recipes

Food Fare: Avocado Recipes

"Back to top" button

Food Fare: Basque Recipes

Logo for The Bloodline Trilogy by Deidre Dalton 

Button for "Bloodlust" by author Deidre Dalton

Book Dedications (authors Deborah O'Toole and Deidre Dalton)

Event page link button or header

Logo button for the fiction novel "Celtic Remnants" by Deborah O'Toole.

Food Fare: Christmas Recipes

Food Fare: Christmas Recipes

Food Fare: Coffee Recipes

Logo for the Collective Obsessions Saga by Deidre Dalton

Logo for "The Crypt Artist" by Deborah O'Toole

"Collective Obsessions Saga" board logo. Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

Logo button for author Deidre Dalton

Food Fare: Colonial American Recipes button

"Don't forget to vote!" animated button

Personalized logo for Food Fare

Personalized logo for Food Fare

Logo for Food Fare Cookbooks

Logo for Food Fare Culinary Collection

Food Fare: Bread & Cookies recipe button

Ambrosia Cookbook contest logo

Food Fare Recipes

Food Fare: English Recipes button

Food Fare Culinary Collection button

Food Fare Culinary Collection banner

Personalized "Share Recipes" logo for Food Fare

Food Games logo

Foofer's Life in Pictures intro logo

Food Fare: French Recipes

Food Fare: Garlic Recipes

Food Fare: German Recipes

Logo for "Glinhaven" by author Deborah O'Toole

Food Fare: Greek Recipes

Halloween Cuisine (recipes) logo

Happy Halloween button. Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

Happy Holidays button. Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

Historical Essays by Deborah O'Toole

Button for "Hot Diggity Dog" article from Food Fare.

Thumbnail of IENA logo header

IENA events button

Button for "In the Shadow of the King" by author Deborah O'Toole

"In the Works" button for author Deborah O'Toole

Happy Independence Day button. Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

Thanksgiving button. Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

Happy Valentine's Day button. Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

Food Fare: Irish Recipes

Food Fare: Japanese Recipes

Food Fare: Jewish Recipes button

Food Fare: Leftovers Recipes button (blue-gray).

Food Fare: Leftovers Recipes button (red).

Promo button for the fiction novel "Mind Sweeper" by Deborah O'Toole.

Food Fare: Malagasy Recipes (Madagascar)

Food Fare: Monegasque Recipes (Monaco)

Food Fare: Mushroom Recipes

Food Fare: New Years Eve Recipes

"Newsletter" button for author Deborah O'Toole

Button for "Pine Nuts" article from Food Fare.

Food Fare: Pirate Recipes button

Food Fare: Polish Recipes button

Rainee's Photo Gallery logo

Food Fare: Recipes with Olive Oil

Reader's Mail button (white)

Food Fare: Russian Recipes

Food Fare: Scottish Recipes button

Food Fare: Seafood Recipes button 

Shenanchie's Kitchen logo

Button for "Shenanchie's Sushi" article from Food Fare.

Short Tales Collection logo

Food Fare: Spanish Recipes

Support Community Gardens!

Food Fare: Swedish Recipes

Food Fare: Thai Recipes

Thanksgiving with Food Fare

Food Fare: Thanksgiving Recipes

Logo for "Torn Bits & Pieces" by Deborah O'Toole

Button for Food Fare's recipe "Turkey-Moo Lasagna"

Food Fare: Valentine's Day Recipes

Button for WANA-PAC Donations

Food Fare: Welsh Recipes button

To view more samples, visit the WEBS DIVINE boards at Pinterest.

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Please read WEBS DIVINE Notices before requesting a quote.

Contact the designer to discuss a possible project >