Turkey on the Horizon
Mon, 11/03/08
Now that we're into November, don't forget to visit Thanksgiving with Food Fare. Like it or not, it's my take on Thanksgiving with some edibles and tips thrown into the mix.
The holiday article includes seasonal tips, resources and recipes such as Coppa Canapes, Grilled Asparagus, Roast Turkey with Hazelnut Stuffing, Garbanzo Nut Loaf, Spiced Wine, Pumpkin Pecan Pie and more. Also includes turkey and ham cooking guides, suggestions for leftovers, and links of interest.
I'm no Martha Stewart, but I know what I like and don't like. It's rather tiresome to have the same holiday foods, over and over again. Hopefully my little bit of food text will help remedy that for someone who feels the same way.
As time flies . . .
Tags: Thanksgiving
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