N E W S   &   U P D A T E S

News, Thursday, 2nd February 2023:

"Torn Bits & Pieces" released by Club Lighthouse Publishing

Torn Bits & Pieces by Deborah O'Toole was released by Club Lighthouse Publishing on February 2, 2023. The book of poetry is available in electronic format at the publisher's website and on Amazon. The paperback edition is available at Amazon.

"Torn Bits & Pieces" by Deborah O'Toole

Deborah O'Toole is author of Torn Bits & Pieces, a collection of poetry which includes Black Eyes, Blood of My Father, Bluebells & Fuchsia, Collective Obsessions (poetic rendering based on the fictional saga of the same name by Deidre Dalton), Color Me Woe, Confusion & Mr. Barrett, Dark Blue Moon, Drama, Edward, Fringes, Gentle Creatures, Heart in Dusk, I Will Never Marry, In the Town in the Time, Intoxication, J.D., Mind Control, Moonstruck Madness, My Name is Called Disturbance, Religion, Sad Passing, Screech & Moan, Siembamba, Silver Lining, Striking with a Spirit's Knife, The Rot in the Wood, The Spell, Throes of Madness, Year of Blood, You're Just a Boy, and many more.

Torn Bits & Pieces also has a page at Facebook.

Check Deborah O'Toole's Twitter page for ongoing updates.