Iced Coffee
Mon, 06/23/14
I'm a lifelong stickler about avoiding waste, which includes making sensible good use of food, energy (electricity) and all else that can be utilized for multiple purposes. I don't leave on lights or run computers or televisions unless absolutely necessary. For example, I'm not one of those people who leave on my computer twenty-four hours a day. I do my work or business and then shut it down.
I'm never more tickled than when I can stretch out a particular food item into several meals, such as a batch of tomato sauce for spaghetti, lasagna or homemade pizza. I often take leftover pasta and pour a can of chili on top in order to avoid waste (which makes tasty Chili & Noodles).
I usually drink a pot of coffee every day, but if there is any leftover I always make my own iced variety. Coffee is very expensive these days. I'm not about to waste any of it as I'm of the firm belief that every little bit counts and helps the ever-strained budget.
The following recipe makes enough for one plentiful serving of Iced Coffee:
Iced Coffee
1-1/2 to 2 C leftover coffee, reheated
2 or 3 TBS powdered Coffee Mate (original flavor)
Pinch brown sugar
Ice cubes
In a large bowl, heat leftover coffee in microwave (make sure the brew is hot so the powdered Coffee Mate will dissolve properly). Stir in a pinch of brown sugar. Allow mixture to cool for about one hour. Place ice cubes in a tall glass; pour in coffee mixture and stir gently. Serve.
Frappuccino is another option, as is Greek Frapogalo.
Tags: Beverages;
Coffee & Tea;
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