Food Fare offers in-depth articles on the food and culture of different countries, time periods and events. The articles contain bits of history, food traditions, lifestyle and dishes native to the specific country, as well as authentic recipes. In most cases, there is also a section of words and phrases in the native tongue of the subject.
Many of the articles are now available in e-book format, including Kindle and Nook-Book, and as Adobe Digital Editions downloads. Click here to learn more.
To make a selection, click on a specific title from the list below:
Please Note: All food articles or culinary books written by Shenanchie O'Toole or edited by Food Fare staff used to be freely available online. However, after several unfortunate incidents of blatant plagiarism and unauthorized sales by several unknown entities, we decided to place the articles as e-books with Amazon and Barnes & Noble to better track their usage. The articles are also available as Adobe Acrobat editions from our web site.
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