Foody Web Migration

Posted Thursday, 07/20/17


In June 2016, my former web host (Tripod) had a major meltdown. Tripod disappeared from the face of the earth, along with all my web pages. They didn't notify their subscribers about the issue, which probably angered me the most. I spent the better part of three days re-uploading and migrating more than a thousand pages relating to my fiction books to a new web host (including documents, style sheets and images, along with creating new directories and sub-directories for each site).


However, I left Food Fare where it was because Tripod suddenly came back online after my three days of work. On a technical note, the Food Fare website has more than 5,000 files (not counting the sub-sites), and I wasn't anxious to move the entire lot. I had some free time recently, so I went ahead and migrated the entire cooking kit and caboodle to the new web host.


Anything with "Tripod" in the URL is now no longer valid. Here are the new - and hopefully permanent - links:


The old host Tripod did not support PHP (scripting language) or SLQ (database storage), but the new one does. In essence, the web capabilities mean I can create contact forms without using a third-party host, among other pertinent applications.


Welcome back to Food Fare!


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