Webs Divine: Design Notes

Just like most web designers, we learn something new every day. Some of the insights are fairly simple, while others are more complicated. As we go along, WEBS DIVINE plans to share our tricks, hints and tips in Design Notes.


I had a formatting issue with a large document last year. Instead of going line by line to indent every paragraph on all 132 pages, I copied and pasted the text as "unformatted" into a blank Microsoft Word document. In order to indent every paragraph at once, do the following:

Select all paragraphs.

Click the Home tab.

Select the right-side arrow under Paragraph options.

Select Indents and Spacing tab.

Under Indention, use the drop-down menu under "Special" and select "First Line."

The steps will indent the first line of all selected paragraphs with standard 0.5" measurement.

The method applies when using Microsoft Word 2007. It saved me a great deal of time.

Reference: Formatting Documents in Word 2007 by Steve Johnson.

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