Webs Divine: Design Notes

Just like most web designers, we learn something new every day. Some of the insights are fairly simple, while others are more complicated. As we go along, WEBS DIVINE plans to share our tricks, hints and tips in Design Notes.


Several months ago, I was trying to insert a header on the first page of a 700-plus page manuscript in Microsoft Word 2007.

My goal was to leave the rest of the pages without headers and numbers. It's not as easy as it sounds, especially when using the function isn't typical and when document norms consist of headers/footers on every page.

Click on image below to view larger size in a new window.

Screenshot of header insert using Microsoft Word 2007. Click on image to see larger size in a new window.

From the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire:

On the first page of the document, double click within the header or footer. The Header & Footer Tools Design tab will appear.

From the Header & Footer Tools Design command tab, in the Options group, select Different First Page. The label on the first page header text box changes from Header to First Page Header.

In the First Page Header text box, insert the desired information.

More Hints & Tips: