Webs Divine: Design Notes

Just like most web designers, we learn something new every day. Some of the insights are fairly simple, while others are more complicated. As we go along, WEBS DIVINE plans to share our tricks, hints and tips in Design Notes.


Forwarding pages are often used to re-direct people to a specific web page that has moved or for one reason or another, has been renamed.

We recently designed a forwarding page for a new client. She wanted the page to forward automatically, so we devised the following:

Deborah O'Toole forwarding page (click on image to see page in action)

The snippet used to forward a page needs to be placed between the <head> and </head> portion of the html code:

<meta https-equiv="Refresh" content="3;url=https://deborahotoole.com/110918645/default.aspx">

In the above code, number 3 represents the number of seconds before the page forwards. You can change this to any length of time you prefer, such as 5 (for five seconds). The url (also bolded above) needs to be replaced with the exact web address of where you want the page forwarded.

It's as simple as that!

More Hints & Tips: