Webs Divine: Design Notes

Just like most web designers, we learn something new every day. Some of the insights are fairly simple, while others are more complicated. As we go along, WEBS DIVINE plans to share our tricks, hints and tips in Design Notes.


On occasion, computers will display the dreaded "blue screen of death" (BSOD) and promptly shut down on their own. The errors usually involve system files, but can also include corrupt device drivers, registry errors, malware or virus infections, hardware conflicts, memory corruption or hard disk damage.

According to Solvusoft:

SYS errors most often occur during computer start-up, program startup, or while trying to use a specific function in your program (eg. printing).

A few internal fix options include running "sfc/scannow" and "chkdsk/f" through the Windows system file checker (typically found on PC by clicking "Start" and then typing "run" in the search box).

Searching for internal fix options using Windows.

Solvusoft is a good troubleshooting resource when trying to decipher system errors.

More Hints & Tips: