About Webs Divine: Payment Terms

WEBS DIVINE accepts payment through PayPal. We cannot accept credit cards.

PayPal: Clients with a PayPal account can submit payments to WEBS DIVINE. Upon completion of services, we will send the client an invoice for their records via e-mail in PDF format.

Invoices are due and payable upon receipt. There are no exceptions.

What to Expect:

Clients will be provided a full preview of their website at a generic web address until payment for services is received through PayPal or a personal check has been fully cleared to release funds.

Once payment for services is processed, the client's website will go live on their pre-designated web address.

If at any time in the future payment is not received in a timely manner, web services will cease and online content created or maintained by WEBS DIVINE will be removed without notice.


Webs Divine Services Flyer (PDF).

Webs Divine Quote Sample (PDF).

Webs Divine Services & Fee Schedules (PDF).

Webs Divine Notices:

Please read WEBS DIVINE Notices before requesting a quote.

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