Foody Cold Remedies
Friday, 12/29/17
I suffered a terrible chest cold this month, which lasted for three weeks (including through Christmas). I'm just barely starting to feel better. During the illness I had little appetite for food. The most I'd eat some days was a few saltine crackers smeared with peanut butter accompanied by ice water because my throat and lungs were so raw.
This was the state of my refrigerator during the malaise:
Once I started feeling better, I made a few "stick to the ribs" meals. The first was basically Biscuits & Gravy made into a casserole of sorts (Potatoes O'Brien on bottom layer, followed by cooked linked sausages, hot biscuits and topped with country gravy.
I also made a batch of my basic dumplings, but used whole wheat flour instead of white.
I'm fully recovered from the chest cold now, but for awhile there I thought it was the literal end. I think getting better had something to do with the food!
Tags: Food Photos
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