Cooking with the Twins II
Wed, 11/05/03
In a blog entry I wrote last November, I mentioned the contact I'd had with the Kelly Twins. Both Maggie and Bridget host a radio show in St. Louis titled Food Talk with the Kelly Twins (now defunct), and they also have a television cooking show titled "Twice Baked."
In my original blog entry, I erroneously intimated that only people in the St. Louis area could hear their radio show. However, the following bit corrects my misinformation:
Anyone with a computer can listen to Food Talk with the Kelly Twins every Saturday, 3-5PM, via live-streaming audio by logging on to and following the instructions. The twins would love it if one and all would join them. As it is a live talk-radio broadcast, people can call in and talk to the twins directly; they give out an 800-number that listeners can call in on toll-free from anywhere in the country to ask questions about anything food related. Maggie and Bridget do their best to help folks get back in the kitchen and enjoy themselves.
In an e-mail I received from Bridget Kelly today, she mentioned the unusual questions she and Maggie sometimes receive from callers. One question came in the form of "What is Scottish Crack?" After a bit of digging, the twins discovered the term actually applied to a Scottish candy and not the well-known controlled substance. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who receives off-the-wall queries.
The Kelly Twins have invited me to call in sometime and talk live with them on their radio show. I look forward to it and will try to plan doing so next weekend.
Stay tuned . . .
*POSTSCRIPT (Sat, 12/20/03): I had quite an enjoyable chat this afternoon with Maggie and Bridget on Food Talk with the Kelly Twins. I was certain I'd come off babbling like an idiot, but I think it went rather well. During the course of our ten-minute discussion, which was live on the air mind you, I discovered one of the twin's has a husband who is a vegetarian chef. The twins kindly mentioned my fiction novel, due for release in 2005. The telephone-on-air chat was easier than I thought it would be, and hopefully I've overcome some of my demented fears of speaking in the public arena. Thanks, girls!
*Related Blog Post: Cooking with the Twins (Wed, 11/05/03).