Cooking with the Twins
Wed, 11/05/03
I had a nice e-mail today from Maggie Kelly, one half of the St. Louis radio program Food Talk with the Kelly Twins (now defunct). Maggie wanted to compliment me on Food Fare, and to let me know she'd used information from The Pumpkin Patch on her radio show.
I did some delving and found the web site for Food Talk with the Kelly Twins, along with their official web site. There are several pages of recipes along with bio information and news about their radio show and television program.
The description of the television program is as follows (per their web site):
Twice Baked is a St. Louis original program produced by The Kelly Twins, featuring local food products and farmers and local chefs/restaurateurs. The Twins prepare original recipes and take the viewers on field trips in and around St. Louis to showcase the use of seasonal local cuisine. The Twins visit chefs in their restaurants and clubs and farmers in their fields and whatever else suits their fancy...
"Twice Baked" airs on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. in the St. Louis area; the radio show is on between three and five o'clock in the afternoon on Saturdays. People can link to their live streaming video most Saturdays via KTRS.
If only I lived closer to St. Louis I'd have a listen. As it is, I'll have to give the streaming video a shot.
*Related Blog Post: Cooking with the Twins II (Sat, 12/06/03).