Turkey Day Snooze
Thu, 11/27/03
Wilbert and I had a rather nice Thanksgiving. We spent the holiday at home with Foofer, where we enjoyed most of the typical fixings.
Wilbert has a special recipe for stuffing (don't we all?), but I have to admit his is very tasteful. I spent about an hour this morning toasting two loaves of bread and breaking them up into pieces, while he added the seasonings, butter and boiled gizzards. We roasted a twelve-pound turkey.
Our side dishes included Green Bean-Mushroom Casserole and homemade mashed potatoes using Klondike Rose spuds, which have rose-colored skin and gold-colored flesh. The potatoes are locally grown in Issaquah and have a buttery texture of their own. I left the skins on and added my usual dose of salt and butter, and the ever-luxuriant liquid Coffee Mate instead of milk.
Afterward, "turkey-itis" set in and all three of us fell asleep watching The West Wing marathon on the Bravo Channel.
Foofer had his fill of turkey and a dab of mashed potatoes, which he loves. He was so happily full he went out into the backyard and rolled in the snow several times, pawing the ground as he came up with a snow-encrusted face.
What a lovely day.
Tags: Thanksgiving
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