Replicating the Taco Truck
Tue, 10/14/03
Wilbert was sicker than a dog today but still insisted on preparing homemade tacos using shredded pork meat. I had no idea how ill he was until I got home, when he had already cooked all of the ingredients for the meal. He was trying to replicate the tacos we had from the taco truck last week, and I have to say he did an even better job.
He used tender pork ribs, cutting the meat into small chunks and then boiling them for about an hour. Afterward, he placed the meat in our electric skillet, seasoned with chili powder, garlic, salt, cilantro and white pepper; then the entire mix simmered for another thirty minutes. We placed the meat mixture down the center of a steamed flour tortilla and topped it with lettuce, cheese and a bit of onion.
Although I might have the tendency to be prejudice toward my husband's cooking, in this case I'm not. The taste and texture of the entire meal was a far sight better than any other I've had in a long time.
But poor Wilbert has contracted some sort of flu bug which has been making the rounds at his job. Now he is out like a light, flat on the bed. The dish he so lovingly prepared will be out of his reach - at least for today.
*Related Blog Post: Taco Truck (Mon, 10/06/03).
Tags: Mexico
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