Last Round
Mon, 06/28/04
Web hit counters are kept to obviously track the number of visitors to a web page. I've kept counters on all food articles from their inception.
Just before taking down the articles tonight, I did one more round and recorded the final visitor hits on each. I won't display stats for all, but rather highlight those who received the most hits. I'm surprised by some of the results:
America: 10,532
Christmas (Noel): 7,827
Ireland: 8,564
Japan: 8,178
Medieval: 8,145
Spain: 6,724
The article about America was always a steady climber, but in the last year it really shot up. Of course my first thought - unbidden but there all the same – was that many in the Middle East must be having a look-see.
It was sad to take down all of the articles in less than twenty minutes, but of course I have them all saved to my computer and safely tucked away on CD. The collection is an accumulation of several years hard work – researching, writing and designing each piece with special attention given to cultural details.
However, the experience was not in vain. I not only learned about the food and culture of many different countries, I also honed my writing skills and broadened my knowledge of web design.
*POSTSCRIPT (July 2011): All cultural food articles have since been reconstituted into the Food Fare Culinary Collection. Each article is now available in e-book format.
Tags: Food Articles
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