Farewell & Amen
Sun, 05/01/05
Yesterday I received a rather nice note from the editor of the Green Cutting Board:
Most sincerely dismayed to learn that you will shut down this May but equally pleased to know that your doing well and going on to bigger and better things, it is most deserved.
I've enjoyed your production since I first started blogging and will miss your sprightly and very engaging graphics and content - best of luck in the future.
I closed Shenanchie's Kitchen yesterday with a heavy heart, although as I mentioned before I will continue to blog about food. How could I not?
In addition, I'll no longer maintain the two message boards: Food Fare and Shenanchie's Food Forum. I've posted notices stating such at each board.
I've received nothing but kind words from readers and chefs. It means a lot to me others appreciated Shenanchie's Kitchen and that my efforts were not wasted. I learned much in the process as well.
Toota-loo with sincere affection . . .
*Related blog post 03/01/05: Sad Farewell.
*POSTSCRIPT 10/01/08: Shenanchie's Kitchen reopens as Food Fare.
Tags: Food Fare (web site)
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