Food Fare Recipes

Entrees >  Couscous Bell Peppers >


Couscous Bell Peppers. Click on image to view larger size in a new window.Couscous Bell Peppers

Remove tops from bell peppers using a sharp knife. Reserve tops. Clean inside of peppers under cold water, removing seeds and white rinds. Allow to drain in a colander. Cook the couscous according to package directions.


Chop the bell pepper tops into small pieces; add to sliced baby carrots, sliced mushrooms and minced onion in a large skillet. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until carrots and onions are soft. Add cooked couscous; mix well. Spoon mixture into empty bell peppers until full. Level top with the back of a spoon. Place the stuffed peppers into a large cooking pot. Add vegetable broth and water until liquid level reaches halfway up pepper sides. Cover pot, leaving lid at a slight angle to allow steam-venting. Cook over medium heat for about one hour, or until peppers are tender but not too soft. Serve.


*Couscous Bell Peppers images (C) Shenanchie (2017). Click on image above to view larger size in a new window.



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