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Food Fare: Scottish RecipesBaps

Sift the flour into a warmed bowl, and mix in the salt. With your fingers, rub in the lard. In another bowl, cream the yeast and sugar together with a wooden spoon until liquid, and then add the tepid milk-and-water mixture. Strain into the flour. Knead the mixture into soft dough, cover, and let rise for an hour in a warm place. Knead lightly on a floured surface; divide the dough into pieces of equal size in the form of oval shapes about three inches long and two inches wide. Brush with milk or water (to give the Baps a glaze). Place the Baps on a greased and floured baking sheet and let stand in a warm place for about fifteen minutes. To prevent blisters, press a finger into the center of each Bap before placing them in the oven. Bake at 400-degrees F for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until lightly browned and no longer doughy.


Baps are best on the breakfast table, but are also good when the insides are scooped out and filled with meat for a tasty lunch.


Note: Baps are typically a large soft roll, roughly 5-6 inches in diameter. The dough often contains fats such as lard or butter to provide tenderness to dough. Baps can come in multiple shapes depending on their region of origin. Baps as traditionally made in Scotland are not sweet, unlike the Irish version which may contain currants. The 9th Edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary (1995) says that the word "bap" dates from the 16th century and that its origin is unknown. [Data Source: Wikipedia].


Related Link:

Food Fare Culinary Collection: Scottish Vivers


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