The Pirates Table: Pirate Speak (Common Word & Phrases)


  • Aaarrrggghhh! Expression of discontent or disgust; simultaneously, it can also mean agreement or happiness.

  • Ahoy! Hello!

  • Aye: Yes.

  • Blimey! Expression of surprise.

  • Booty: Treasure.

  • Bucko: Friend.

  • Cackle Fruit: Hen's eggs.

  • Cat O'Nine Tails: Whip with nine strands.

  • Clap of Thunder: Strong alcoholic drink.

  • Davy Jones's Locker: Graveyard for people killed or drowned at the sea.

  • Grog: Alcoholic beverage; usually rum diluted with water.

  • Grog Blossom: Redness on the nose or face of someone who drinks spirits to excess.

  • Hang the jib: To pout or frown.

  • Hearties: Friends.

  • Hempen Halter: Noose for hanging.

  • Hornswaggle: To defraud or cheat out of money or belongings.

  • Jacob's Ladder: Rope ladder used to climb aboard ship.

  • Jolly Rodger (pirate flag). Click on image to view larger size in a new window.Jolly Roger: Pirate flag with white skull and crossbones over black.

  • Landlubber: Land lover.

  • Matey: Cheerful greeting to fellow pirate.

  • Old Salt: Experienced sailor.

  • Picaroon: Scoundrel.

  • Pillage: To rob of goods by force, especially in time of war; plunder.

  • Plunder: To take booty; rob.

  • Pressgang: Company of men who force others into service on a pirate ship.

  • Rope's End: Flogging.

  • Run a rig: To play a trick.

  • Scallywag: Villainous or mischievous person.

  • Scurvy dog: Term used to insult another.

  • Scuttle: Sink a ship.

  • Seadog: Old pirate or sailor.

  • Sea Legs: Getting one's balance aboard ship.

  • Shark bait: Soon to die.

  • Six pounders: Cannons.

  • Smartly: Quickly.

  • Spyglass: Telescope.

  • Squiffy: Tipsy.

  • Swab: To clean the deck of a ship.


Some phrases are self-explanatory.

  • A friend can betray you, but an enemy will always stay the same.

  • All hands hoay! (All hands on deck!).

  • Batten down the hatches.

  • Blow the man down!

  • Dead men tell no tales.

  • Feed the fish (soon to die).

  • Hang 'im from the yardarm!

  • Heave Ho! (put some muscle into it).

  • Heave To! (come to a halt).

  • Let's drink grog before the fog.

  • Loaded to the gunwalls (to be drunk).

  • Run a shot across the bow (command to fire a warning shot).

  • Sail ho! (another ship is in view).

  • Shiver me timbers! (expression of surprise or strong emotion).

  • Sink me! (expression of surprise).

  • Son of a Biscuit Eater (sanitized profanity for "son of a bitch").

  • Splice the mainbrace! (give the crew a drink!).

  • Take a caulk (take a nap).

  • Thar she blows! (whale-sighting).

  • Three sheets to the wind (someone who is very drunk. "One sheet" is mildly drunk, while "four sheets" is near to passing out).

  • Touch my loot, feel my boot.

  • Walk the plank (pictured below; punishment in which a person walks off the gangplank into the sea).

"Walking the Plank." Sketch by Howard Pyle (1887); first appeared in "Buccaneers & Marooners of the Spanish Main" (Harper's Magazine). Click on image to view larger size in a new window.

  • Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen!

  • Yo-Ho-Ho! (exclamation to demand attention).

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