Were you aware of the history of Sir Francis Bryan prior to reading In the Shadow of the King?

Did you learn anything new about Sir Francis Bryan and his life after reading In the Shadow of the King?

Did you like or dislike the storyline shift back and forth between modern time to the 1500s In the Shadow of the King? If yes or no, why?

Did you find Sir Francis Bryan to be a likeable character In the Shadow of the King? If yes or no, why?

Did you find historical events depicted In the Shadow of the King to be accurately portrayed in scenes and pertinent dialogs? If yes or no, why?

Was the interaction between Sir Francis Bryan and Henry VIII in the storyline of In the Shadow of the King what you expected it to be?

In what ways did the semi-fictional treatment of Sir Francis Bryan's life differ from historical accounts as portrayed In the Shadow of the King? Is it apparent where the author created fictional retellings of events and dialogs?

Is Henry VIII portrayed as a likeable character In the Shadow of the King? If yes or no, why?

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Did the author succeed in creating clear and understandable dialog In the Shadow of the King? If yes or no, why?

Sir Francis Bryan's cause of death was actually never determined in history. Were you satisfied by the author's depiction of his last day In the Shadow of the King? If yes or no, why?

Even though Marsworth Manor and Greenwich Palace no longer exist, did you find their descriptions in the storyline of  In the Shadow of the King to be realistic and easy to imagine?

Did the author blend the factual and fictional aspects of In the Shadow of the King in a seamless manner? If yes or no, why?

After reading In the Shadow of the King, did you learn anything new about Tudor history that you didn't know before? If so, what did you learn?

There are no existing portraits of Sir Francis Bryan. Did you find his physical description in the pages of In the Shadow of the King to be visible in the mind's eye? If yes or no, why?

Did the portrayal of the joust in which Sir Francis Bryan lost an eye seem realistic In the Shadow of the King? If yes or no, why?

"In the Shadow of the King" Discussion (PDF, 374KB)

Official website of "In the Shadow of the King."