Book Three: The Twain Shall Meet


An innocent meeting as children sparks a fateful yet perilous liaison between Shannon Larkin and Mike Sullivan. Will their romance follow the same tragic path forged by their mutual ancestors Colm and Molly?


The Collective Obsessions Saga continues with book three, The Twain Shall Meet.


Shannon Larkin and Mike Sullivan are presumably unaware of the long connection between their two families. Yet their love affair seems destined to follow the same tragic path as the one forged by their mutual ancestors, Colm Sullivan and Molly Larkin.


Mike, who bears an eerie resemblance to his great-great grandfather Colm, is committed to an insane asylum after he attacks Shannon at the Larkin mansion and savagely kills one of her friends. Even while confined, Mike is still obsessed by Shannon and schemes to escape his mental prison.


Although Shannon finds happiness with newcomer Scott Page and begins a family with him, she cannot erase the memories of Mike from her mind.


Madness has consumed this fourth generation in the guise of Mike Sullivan, and he will stop at nothing to make Shannon his own.


Click here to read excerpts from The Twain Shall Meet (PDF).

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Next: Enthrallment >




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"The Twain Shall Meet" by Deidre Dalton


ISBN: 978-1-542996-20-4

Series: Collective Obsessions, Book Three

Released: February 11, 2017 (with more than 60 pages of new scenes and dialog).

Cover Art: T.L. Davison




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Meet the Characters: Mike Sullivan

"The Twain Shall Meet" cover history



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