Classic Book Review: Trinity
"Trinity" by Leon Uris. Published 1976; ISBN: 0-553-23907-4.
Review written by Deborah O'Toole includes information about the author, where to find copies of the book, story backgrounds, front and/or back cover blurbs and facsimiles of original cover art.
Sample from the review: "Trinity" by Leon Uris is the great novel about Ireland. If you had no passionate feelings about the Irish culture and their struggles before, you certainly will after reading this book. There are some parts of the book - taken straight from a page in history - that will outrage a person of Irish descent. (The "Penal Laws" are one example). Leon Uris brings to life this terrible struggle within the Irish people, not only for independence from the British but from their own inner struggles about right and wrong, and their own morality.
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