White House Garden Cookbook
Fri, 10/28/11
According to Yahoo Shine, First Lady Michelle Obama has written a cookbook called American Grown, which will contain vegetable-growing tips and recipes inspired by her garden at the White House. The book is scheduled for release in April 2012.
The long title of the cookbook is American Grown: How the White House Kitchen Garden Inspires Families, Schools and Communities.
Crown Publishing/Random House announced the book will be released in both print and digital editions. They went on to state: "Mrs. Obama did not accept an advance for the book and will donate all net or after-tax author proceeds to a charity or charities to be named later."
Yahoo Shine reports: "The First Lady has toiled over the White House Garden since 2009. So have daughters Sasha and Malia, who help with the weeding whether they like it or not. Despite being a gardening novice, Mrs. Obama laid the groundwork for over 55 varieties of vegetables. Stalks of black kale, bright yellow peppers, and beams of eggplant have grown from the most expansive garden the White House lawn has ever seen."
Tags: Cookbooks
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