Roof Food
Sat, 10/17/09
This article caught my eye:
Where Does Your
Garden Grow? (PDF, 95 KB)
A handful of urban chefs are growing everything from exotic herbs to tomatoes and corn on the roof. For a small but growing number of urban U.S. restaurants whose chefs are concerned about serving the finest, freshest local ingredients available, the distance from farm to table is shrinking. It can be as short as a flight of stairs; stretch several flights; or extend a few blocks away. But the distance is, increasingly, vertical, because in this latest iteration of urban farming, the gardens are on the roof.
Five years ago Rick Bayless, award-winning chef, owner of Frontera Grill, Topolobampo and Xoco in Chicago, cookbook author, and host of PBS' "Mexico - One Plate at a Time," installed a garden on the roof above his restaurants. A celebrated supporter of urban agriculture, Bayless says, "I think it's really important to prove to people it's easy to grow things even in an urban setting... even in downtown Chicago."
What a wonderful concept!
Tags: Gardening
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