Treats for the Babies
Wed, 10/13/04
I couldn't resist including this recipe via Beth Goldberg, owner of Latka's Treats. A link to the canine delicacy appeared in the iVillage "Pets Gazette" under the heading "bake your dog a ghoulish goodie."
Peanut Butter Dog Treat
1-1/4 C milk
1-1/4 C peanut butter
2 C whole-wheat flour
1 C all purpose flour
1-1/4 TBS baking powder
Preheat oven to 400-degrees F. Mix milk and peanut butter in a large bowl until smooth. Combine flours and baking powder in a large bowl. Gradually stir flour mixture into wet ingredients. Knead dough by hand, adding small amounts of milk to the mixture if the consistency is too dry. Roll out dough onto a lightly floured surface to desired thickness and cut out treats with cookie cutter of choice. Bake on cookie sheet for fifteen minutes, modifying timing to adjust for dough thickness and treat size. After the oven has been turned off, treats can be left to cool and dry for several hours before storing.
Both Foofer and Rainee love peanut butter. I appreciate that the recipe contains no sugar, although the treat is still not something I'd give them handfuls at a time. Maybe to keep them occupied Halloween night? As it is, even the mailman coming up the front porch drives both hounds into a tizzy. Rainee has learned from Foofer. She follows him to the living room window, snarling and barking as the mailman carries on.
I've already accepted Halloween night will be hell with the two of them, probably even more so for Wilbert as he has to work. He normally sleeps between five and nine o'clock at night. Since the only closable, secure doors inside my house are in the bathroom and the computer room, I guess I'll be shoving a peanut butter treat into the mouths of my pooches every time there is a knock at the front door.
Right – like it will work. Foofer and Rainee will probably bark and spit with the food still in their mouths.
Tags: Halloween;
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