Pilaf & the Freeze
Wed, 09/17/03
Wilbert made his rice pilaf today. He typically uses chicken broth to absorb the rice as it cooks. However, today he was out of broth so he used water mixed with Ramen noodle seasoning packets (chicken and teriyaki flavors). It gave the rice an extra flavor which was different from the broth but somehow better. He also added bits of sliced celery, and onions from our garden. It was a lovely accompaniment to our chicken dinner.
Speaking of the garden, we had to scramble yesterday to cover our plants as the first freeze drifted in. Temperatures dropped below forty, so we protected the tomato plants with large plastic bags, twine and cardboard.
We picked the semi-ripe tomatoes, and also pulled all of the green beans and corn. We came up with quite a bounty.
There are now more than two dozen plump tomatoes perched on window sills around the house.
Tags: Gardening;
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