Husbandly Meal
Fri, 09/03/04
Wilbert decided to cook lunch today, even after a long night at work.
He boiled a pork shoulder roast in a large cooking pot, after which he shredded the meat by hand. In a cast-iron skillet, he then sautéed the meat in olive oil, minced onions, salt and black pepper. He also added a can of green enchilada sauce, allowing the mixture to simmer for about fifteen minutes.
Wilbert warmed small corn and flour tortillas, which we filled with the meat mixture. He topped his with chopped tomatoes, while I layered strips of cheese on mine. The pork was fall-apart tender, and the simple seasonings made for a surprisingly wonderful taste.
My husband is in the kitchen every morning cooking his own breakfast while I work in the computer room. Once in a blue moon he'll prepare dinner for both of us. He's an excellent cook, but regrets the fact he doesn't have the time to spend creating meals as he'd like.
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