English Muffin Grill with Bagels
Wed, 08/27/03
This afternoon I planned on making one of my specialties, English Muffin Grill. But lo and behold, the package of English muffins in the fridge was growing its own bit of disgusting green fuzz.
I didn't have any extra, so instead used bagels to make my light repast:
English Muffin Grill
2 English muffins, halved
8 slices cheddar cheese
4 thin slices of tomato
Place one slice of tomato on each muffin half, and then put two slices of cheese on each half (on top of the tomato). Broil in an oven until the cheese has melted and edges of the muffins are browned and crispy. Serve.
Using bagels didn't mar the yummy snack in any way. In fact, the taste was a bit richer with much more body.
Tags: Snacks
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