Soup's On
Tue, 07/27/04
Yesterday I threw together a packet of Bear Creek's Wild Rice Soup, into which I added a drained can of premium chicken meat from Hormel. The soup makes enough for eight servings. The wild rice soup is a creamy mixture with bits of carrot and other vegetables, and is one of the best prepared soup mixes I've ever tasted. We also had toasted Italian bread with the meal.
I first started buying Bear Creek soup mixes last year. Each variety is superb (cream of potato, tortilla soup, beefy vegetable, creamy wild rice, and so on).
Ironically, I live in Washington state while Bear Creek is located in Heber City, Utah – the town where my father was raised, and from which he and my mother now live about an hour's drive away.
Even though we have central air conditioning, I'm still reluctant to use the oven unless its absolutely necessary. Outdoor grilling and stovetop cooking are recent preferred methods, but some days the microwave has to suffice.
Tags: Soups & Stews
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