Farm Goods
Mon, 07/13/09
I inadvertently found the Bantry Bay Farm blog over the weekend. I was looking for information on Bantry, Ireland but also found the link to the Bantry Bay Farm in Canada.
Not only does the blog have some decent recipes, they also have a web site which cites their aim as "creating a long term system of sustainable agriculture that supplies the local community with fresh, healthy food."
Located in New Brunswick, Bantry Bay Farm uses "techniques such as minimal tillage, minimal use of fossil fuels, crop rotation, green manures, and taking a plant positive approach to growing."
In addition they support Community Shared Agriculture (CSA), whereby "members buy a share of the produce at the beginning of the year and receive a box of food every week through the season. They can share the risks and rewards of farming and gain a better understanding of the real cost of their food, while knowing that they are investing in their local economy, culture, and food security. CSA also lets the growers focus on healthy, bountiful crops during the season as opposed to marketing the produce."
It's interesting to me to learn about people and communities growing local produce for the benefit of all, especially when the gardens created are based on sustainable agriculture practices. I doubt I will ever have the opportunity to visit New Brunswick and the Bantry Bay Farm, but the notion of their operation fascinates me and I hope to learn more from their web site and other sources.
Tags: Gardening
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