National Hot Dog Month
Sat, 07/02/11
July is National Hot Dog Month!
Read about the history of hot dogs and how they are made, learn the various types of dogs, read about frankfurters and health, etiquette, red hot links, "Hot Dogs Around the World," and recipes such as Homemade Frankfurters (Hot Dogs), Coney Island Hot Dog Sauce, Corn Dogs and more. Hot Diggity Dog >>
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The term "hot dog" is credited to sports cartoonist Tad Dorgan. He was present at the Polo Grounds in New York during a 1901 baseball game and heard vendors yelling "Get your dachshund dogs while they're red hot!" Dorgan sketched a cartoon depicting the scene, but was unsure how to spell "dachshund." Instead, he simply used the term "hot dogs."
Happy eats!
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