Croissants & Olive Loaf
Sun, 06/08/03
I never eat breakfast – not even a piece of toast. I'm too busy downing two or three pots of coffee to even feel mildly hungry until lunchtime.
A fresh croissant came my way yesterday morning. I have to say it was quite enjoyable with a fresh cup of coffee. Light and airy, without added sugar like doughnuts, the little bit of bread was just right – not filling, and definitely not a mess to eat.
Later Wilbert and I ate sandwiches for lunch, after picking up a package of Olive Loaf deli meat at the grocery.
Whoever invented Olive Loaf should be commended. Without getting into the obvious likeness to bologna and what is really contained therein, Olive Loaf is one of my favorites (besides chicken deli slices). It goes well on bread lightly spread with mayonnaise. I've been on a mozzarella cheese kick lately, which just added to the enjoyment of the meal.
Tags: Sandwiches
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