Beans Take Off Running
Sat, 05/31/03
During the second to last week of May, I planted yellow wax bean seeds inside a house container with potting soil. Within two days shoots coming up. The specific bean-type is pencil pod black wax/bush. I decided to give them a try in the house before making room in the vegetable garden.
By the end of the fifth day, the plant had pushed up the dirt in the container, and it was straining to the heavens. On the sixth day, the vine grew almost an inch-and-a-half.
Amazed, I gave the green beans the same treatment (specifically white half runner), and had the same results. We don't have an extra row available in the vegetable garden, so we'll have to create an extra row for beans. Wilbert already has a trellis of sorts, which will now come in handy for the vines.
If all goes well, we should be swimming in fresh vegetables right through the fall season.
Tags: Gardening
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