Corralling for Foofer
Sat, 05/03/03
Last night we went out to dinner with an old friend from Idaho. We dined at the Golden Corral buffet-style restaurant in Spokane. Being Friday, there was a lot of fish on offer, as well as different variations of shrimp (steamed, deep-fried and baked). I haven't had shrimp in ages, so I certainly had a good time filling my plate. I was so full afterward I almost felt ill, and still haven't eaten anything today.
As usual, I snuck out some roasted chicken for Foofer. Wilbert hates it when I snatch leftover food from our plates, but I figure we're paying enough for the meal ($12 a piece) that Foofer should be allowed something.
The only drawback is I have to wrap the chicken in a napkin before stuffing it into my purse. By the time I get it home, I have to spend fifteen minutes picking all of the paper off the meat.
Foofer nearly went mad from the waiting. When he finally dug in, the entire bit was gone in thirty seconds flat.
Tags: Restaurants
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