Friends of Juan Valdez
Wed, 04/21/04
Friends of Juan is a web site (now defunct) devoted to Columbian coffee which appears to be endorsed by Alton Brown. I was led to the site by a reader who enjoyed my article Coffee Talk (writing as Deborah O'Toole).
An entertaining survey at Friends of Juan describes what most Americans discuss over coffee and other preferences:
Men prefer to talk politics with their friends, while women prefer to talk about family or friends over a cup of coffee.
Almost six out of ten men have a special coffee mug they like to use.
Doughnuts are still the best accompaniment to a good cup of coffee, with a quarter of survey respondents opting for the deep-fried delicacy.
Half of men and a third of women claim to know what country of origin their coffee comes from.
Taste is the number one influencer of coffee choice with 65% of respondents choosing it.
Nearly half the people in the country take their coffee with sugar and cream, but in the northeast, that number jumps to 63%.
Thanks to Jeff for the link.
Tags: Coffee & Tea
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