No Breasts Here
Wed, 04/09/08
I have yet to find a palatable recipe for preparing chicken breasts. No matter how it is cooked, the meat comes out dry and rather bland. I have tried slow-cooking chicken breasts in the crock pot and in the oven, deep-frying, stir-frying and boiling. Nothing moistens the meat to my satisfaction, or gives it the same flavor to be found in chicken drumsticks and thighs.
I understand chicken breast meat is healthier for the body, but I just can't stomach it unless it is saturated with mayo and mixed with chopped celery in chicken salad. I prefer drumsticks and thighs, not only of the barnyard variety but in turkey and other birds as well.
I'd love to find a tried-and-true recipe for moist and flavorful chicken breasts, although truthfully I don't think such a thing exists.
Anyone out there have some ideas?
Tags: Poultry
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