Food for the Afflicted
Fri, 03/04/05
The most I've eaten in two days is two bites of buttered noodles and one plain flour tortilla. Another cold/flu spell came my way earlier this week, and I've been miserable. The only thing I could gag down was coffee, tea and the occasional gulp of water to wash down an aspirin or a gob of cough syrup.
By lunchtime today I was feeling better and my tummy was grumbling loudly to boot. Not wanting to tempt fate by consuming spicy fare, I settled for a nice hot bowl of Creamy Wild Rice soup from Bear Creek Foods.
During preparation of the soup mix, I added a seven ounce can of sliced mushrooms and a ten-ounce can of Valley Fresh fat-free chuck chicken in water. I threw in a handful of oyster crackers just before eating.
The soup was perfect. I think I'm well on my way to a complete recovery.
Tags: Menus
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