Budget Contest
Thu, 03/01/12
*CONTEST CLOSED* Winner announced on 05/04/12.
To celebrate the launch of Recipes-on-a-Budget, a drawing will be held on Tuesday, May 1st, 2012 for a free copy of the cookbook.
In order to participate, send an email to the address displayed below. The text is not linked, so please type the email address subbing @ for (at symbol) in the "To" field of a new message.
shenanchie (at symbol) msn.com
Make sure to include the subject matter "Budget," as well as your name and e-mail address in the body of the message or your entry will not qualify for the drawing. If you win the cookbook, Food Fare will include your name in a web announcement in May.
The winner will receive a free copy of the Recipes-on-a-Budget Cookbook in PDF format (77 pages, 1.05 MB, Adobe Acrobat) in an e-mail attachment.
Good luck!
More about
the Recipes-on-a-Budget Cookbook >
Please Note: As with previous drawings and contests by Food Fare, winners receive a free Adobe digital edition of the contest-specific cookbook or culinary title. Kindle and/or Nook editions are not offered as part of contests or drawings.
Tags: Contests & Drawings;
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