The Meatrix

Posted 02/07/04

Last week a friend of mine directed me toward the Eat Well Guide, which included a link to an animated presentation called The Meatrix. The cartoon depicts how large slaughter houses treat animals and process the meat. Even though it was meant to be informative in a simple way, I was still repulsed by some of the information to be had.


Did you know at large poultry farms, chickens are often de-beaked in order to prevent pecking and infection in close quarters? The de-beaking is done while the chicken is wide-awake and aware; the process is similar to clipping a nail. Many of the animals are kept in such cramped spaces that they are lethargic and sickly. Is it any wonder they become infected with a continuing variety of diseases?


The Meatrix


While I have managed to stay away from beef for the most part since last December, I've still prepared and eaten chicken and pork. Being a carnivore is a life-long habit and hard to break; however, the more I see of slaughter methods the less I desire meat. As humans, we sometimes block the reality of how meat comes to us in grocery stores or some accept reality and still do not care.


While I don't think I could ever become a complete vegetarian, eating beef is something I can easily do without. Perhaps it's not so much the eating of meat that is repulsive as are the methods in which animals are slaughtered, and in some cases treated inhumanly before being tendered for human consumption. Corporate agriculture is one subject area I don't think I have the heart or stomach to endure.


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