Foody Hodge-Podge
Fri, 01/27/12
My hodge-podge of related "foody" choices for the last few weeks:
Garbanzo Beans >
I made my own "quick" dip by mashing one cup of canned garbanzo beans and
then mixing in olive oil, sea salt and black pepper. It was damned tasty with
Tostito's Crispy Rounds.
Pop-Up Bowl > Great
product from Orville Redenbacher. Microwave popcorn that pops-up in it's own
bowl. I love it!
2 Tasty Too > Another fun "foody" game from Big Fish. The restaurants in
a Paris locale include a French cafe, Japanese, Italian, vegetarian and
fine-dining inside the Eiffel Tower.
Vienna Sausage > I much prefer the chicken variety to the greasy beef
Wasabi Trail Mix > Wonderful combination of goodies with a kick.
Not all of my choices are healthy, but they were enjoyable nonetheless.
Tags: Food Games;
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