Chicken in the Kitchen
Sat, 01/22/05
I had two very faithful companions in the kitchen today. I needed a break from writing for a few hours, so I ventured into the oft-cold kitchen with my pooches Foofer and Rainee hot on my heals.
Months ago I made several batches of homemade dog food containing rice and ground turkey and chicken, mainly for Rainee's upset tummy at the time. Both dogs love the mixture whether they're feeling punky or on top of the world, so I try to make it every once on awhile. I doubled the amounts of rice and ground chicken, using my steamer to cook both. The chicken had very little fat, but there was enough so that it dripped down into the rice to add an extra bit of flavor. Rainee was underfoot the entire time, probably hoping a crumb would fall to the floor. Foofer awakened from a deep sleep and came to sit in the kitchen doorway, a look of hope on his face. Needless to say, the amounts I dished up for them vanished quicker than lickety-split.
Still using the steamer, I cooked up another batch of rice and several chicken thighs. I seasoned the chicken with garlic pepper, parsley, paprika and sea salt. I added sliced mushrooms, vegetable flakes and a skiff of butter to the rice. This was dinner for me and my husband, along with fresh broccoli and carrots.
Everyone was satisfied, including the babies. After cleaning up I returned to my writing and carried merrily on, while Wilbert snuggled with the dogs and fell soundly back asleep.
Tags: Pets (Cats & Dogs);
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