No More Mickey D
Mon, 01/16/06
According to The Times Online on January 6, 2006: "McDonald's has retreated from a southern Italian town, defeated by the sheer wholesomeness of a local baker's bread."
The Baker Beats McDonald's by Richard Owen in Rome continues:
The closure of McDonald's in Altamura, Apulia, was hailed as a victory for European cuisine against globalized fast food.
Luigi Digesù, the baker, said that he had not set out to force McDonald's to close down in any "bellicose spirit." He had merely offered the 65,000 residents tasty filled panini (bread rolls), which they overwhelmingly preferred to hamburgers and chicken nuggets. "It is a question of free choice," Signor Digesù said.
His specialty fillings include mortadella, mozzarella and eggs or scamorza cheese, eggs, basil and tomato, as well as fèdda, a local version of bruschetta (toasted bread drizzled with olive oil and salt and covered in chopped tomatoes).
Click here for the full article (PDF, 99 KB).
Personally, I'm not a big fan of McDonald's these days. Their salads are God-awful, over-priced and loaded with lettuce filler not visible on television commercials. However, being a potato addict, I do appreciate their French fries now and then.
Tags: Fast Food
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