Fast Food
Wed, 01/07/04
Wilbert and I have eaten lunch at McDonalds twice this week.
McDonalds is not my restaurant of choice normally, but since the fast-food-joint is close to our home we've stopped to grab a bite. Wilbert has developed a passion for the fish fare, while I have taken a liking to the McChicken Sandwich.
For $1.00, the meal is quite flavorful with a spicy pepper-kick to the batter. Since the offering is not overly large, it is a nice lunch for me.
Because of a recent "mad cow" scare in my area, we have taken to avoiding beef for the time being. To be honest, I haven't missed it much. If I had my druthers, I'd much rather live on chicken and fish, but doubt my carnivorous husband would do the same.
Tags: Fast Food
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