Food Fare Recipes

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Food Fare: Native American RecipesPaganens

Algonquin Wild Nut Soup

Toast the hazelnuts in the oven by spreading on a cookie sheet; bake at 350-degrees F for about fifteen minutes. Cool slightly. Rub skins off with a towel. Coarsely chop nuts. In a large pot, sauté shallots in oil until tender. Add the stock and shallots. Also add nuts, parsley, salt and black pepper. Bring mixture to a boil; reduce heat to simmer and cook for about ninety minutes, stirring occasionally. Transfer soup to a food processor or blender in small batches; puree until smooth. Pour soup in a sieve over cooking pot to remove grit from the puree. Simmer on low to keep warm. Ladle the soup in bowls and serve, garnished with chopped parsley.


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