Food Fare Recipes

Appetizers >  Leftovers >  Poultry >  Blue Cheese-Stuffed Turkey Balls >


Blue Cheese-Stuffed Turkey Balls

Preheat oven to 350-degrees F. In a large bowl, mix together ground turkey, chopped cilantro, minced garlic, minced red onion, and salt and black pepper to taste. Shape meat mixture into balls; cut a hole into each ball and push leftover blue cheese crumbles inside the hole. Reshape into meatballs. Arrange in a large baking dish; pour tomato sauce over the top. Bake for about fifty minutes, or until turkey is fully cooked (internal temperature should be 165-degrees F). Serve.

Shenanchie's Note: I always seem to have leftover blue cheese or feta crumbles on hand, which I mainly use in green salads. Blue Cheese Stuffed Turkey Balls is a perfect use for the leftover crumbles.

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