Nut Cup

Posted Mon, 04/07/03

I work part-time at Spokane Community College: three days a week, five hours per day. Last summer one of the work studies took me to the student activities building, where the "Bigfoot Cafe" cafeteria is housed. She insisted I try the "Nut Cup," which appeared to be nothing more than a plastic cup with yogurt inside. I balked at the price tag ($2), but finally relented and bought one.


Wow. The "Nut Cup" was fantastic. There was more to it than just the flavored yogurt. The cup was layered with ground graham crackers, granola bits and strawberry yogurt with a squirt of strawberry syrup on top. Needless to say, I had a few of the nut cups over last summer but continued to bemoan the price. The nut cups made a nice lunch, and were surprisingly filling.


I decided to make my own variation. Individually, the nut cups probably cost about $1 to make (considering I purchased yogurt at 3 for $1.00, left out the syrup, and layered in ground Pecan Sandies cookies instead of graham crackers, and topped the concoction with a small handful of grape-nuts cereal instead of granola). I re-used the plastic cups I had collected over last summer from the college "Nut Cup" version, and was also able to make use of empty yogurt containers for a smaller version of the treat.


Creamy Nuts Cups

1 container plain or creamy-flavored yogurt

1 C sweetened granola or grape-nuts cereal

1 TBS crushed Pecan Sandie cookie

Plastic cup with lid


Sprinkle granola or grape nuts on the bottom of a plastic cup. Spoon in the yogurt, making a layer. Repeat with the cereal and yogurt until the yogurt is gone but the last ingredient on top. Sprinkle the top with a crushed Pecan Sandie cookie (or Grape Nuts cereal). Cover the cup with a lid; chill before serving.

The nut cups are cool and refreshing, and quite satisfying.


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