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Food Fare: Russian RecipesBiskvit

Russian Sponge Cake

In a mixing bowl, combine egg whites with sugar. Beat with electric mixer until soft peaks form. Beat in egg yolks and vanilla. In a separate bowl, whisk flour and baking powder together. Fold flour mixture into egg mixture until just combined. Place butter and apples into bottom of a 9x13-inch baking pan. Preheat oven to 350-degrees F. Place baking pan in oven to melt butter. When oven is hot and butter has melted, stir apples and butter into the pan. Pour the cake batter on top of butter and apples. Bake for about twenty minutes or until top is golden brown. Loosen edges of cake with a spatula. Flip cake over onto a serving platter. Allow to cool before serving.


Similar recipe: Kasutera (Japanese Sponge Cake).


Related Link:

Food Fare Culinary Collection: Russian Kitchen


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