Welcome to Rainee's Parade!
About Rainee...in her own words...
I grew like a weed, and before long I reached my full size.
I'm now fifty-four pounds, which seems big to me, but since I have long legs it stands to reason.
My big brother Foofer was a whopping ninety-eight pounds, so I was always a shrimp when compared to him.
When I was very little I used to hate driving in the car, or the family van for that matter. But as
time passed and I got bigger, I started liking the frequent treks around town. I now look forward to trips
because I get to see the sights and I also get extra dog biscuit treats every time we tool down the road.
Rainee in the drivers seat (November 2004).
Above: Me in the drivers seat (November 2004).
In October 2006 we welcomed a new addition to our family, a cat my mommy named Kiki. I wasn't sure
what to think about Kiki because as everyone knows dogs and cats don’t normally "mix it up." My first
instinct was to chase her, but mommy wasn't having any of that so we had to learn to get along.
We moved in September 2007, taking a long car journey to our new home. I usually love car trips,
as most are aware, but the thirteen-hour haul crammed into a car with three adults and
Foofer and Kiki was even too much for me. I was sure glad when we finally arrived at our new home.
I think I slept for days!
Rainee in her red winter sweater (January 2008).
Above: In my red winter sweater (January 2008).
As much as I liked our home in Washington I like our new one better because the yard is humongous,
with lots of places to investigate and lay about. The house is bigger, too, and I virtually have multiple-choice
when it comes to selecting my snoozing place for the night, although I still prefer Mommy’s bed to all.
I lost my closest companion and best friend Foofer on December 19, 2007. Foofer passed away after an
illness, and I have been sad for the longest time. He was my rock, my trusted confidante, and life
hasn't been the same without him. Mommy has been very sad, too, and I do all I can to make her smile again.
Rainee & Kiki, March 2007.
Above: Me & Kiki, March 2007.
Kiki and I have a battle of wills on occasion; if you can imagine a little pipsqueak cat trying to take over
and direct operations. It's not going to happen, I assure you, as I outweigh Kiki by about forty-six pounds.
We like to play, too, but we never share food.
I like Kiki well enough, but no one can ever take the place of my beloved Foofer.
I like to sleep in odd positions, but they are very comfortable. My favorite repose is lying on my back with
my feet and arms in the air, just like in the picture below. Don't I look relaxed?
Rainee in May 2008.
Above: Me relaxing upside down, May 2008.
Now that the colder weather has arrived, I go for rides with my Mommy every day. Sometimes I wear
my red sweater, sometimes not. I'm very serious about car-riding, and I keep my eye peeled for
other dogs on the street and strange-looking people. I refuse to be distracted.
Rainee in October 2008.
Above: Taking a ride in the front seat of the car, October 2008.
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